News from the Indiana Geological and Water Survey
Special Edition: September 2018

Core Repository Moving to Another Location

The IGWS Core Repository (also known as the Core Library) is temporarily closed to prepare for a move to the former Otis Elevator warehouse at 1331 S. Curry Pike in Bloomington. The Repository contains approximately 35,000 boxes of core equaling 51 miles of rock and sediments---more than 400 tons of material. The new facility will open for limited access on Monday, October 22, 2018. In the event of any delays, we will keep you informed via this newsletter, social media, and the IGWS website.

Collecting and maintaining these valuable samples is part of the Survey's statutory mission, and they are available for study and research by students, faculty, researchers, and the general public. In the last year, the core samples were being used for 200 out of the 290 days that the facility was open. Their value is estimated in the millions of dollars.

The move was precipitated by Indiana University's decision to use the property for its expansion into the north corridor of the Bloomington campus as part of the IU Master Plan.

"We recognize the disruption the relocation to Curry Pike will produce and will do everything we can to make access to the core collection as easy as it was at the former building. The final disposition of the collection is still being planned. We feel confident that the geological community will be pleased with the new facility and its capabilities," said Todd Thompson, Director of the Indiana Geological and Water Survey.

The Repository will reside at the Curry Pike location for 4 to 5 years, while a long-term solution on campus is developed.

Moving the Core: A Big Job!

Not only is moving nearly 400 tons of rock core a huge job, it also requires special handling. The movers must label and track the location of each box. Boxes cannot be tipped or turned over or the smaller pieces of core will fall out of stratigraphic order and become jumbled. To avoid these problems, Indiana University has contracted with a specialty moving company that transports museum collections and archives.

The boxes of core will be placed on pallets and wrapped with plastic to maintain their integrity and organization during transport. Please pardon our mess as we work through the coming months to transition from these pallets into organized shelving units once again. The IGWS Core Repository samples will be available for study after October 22. We appreciate your understanding as we work to restore and improve access to our bedrock and unconsolidated sediment cores.


If you wish to access the IGWS Core Repository after the move (not until after October 22, 2018), please contact:

Jayson Eldridge
Indiana Geological and Water Survey
420 N. Walnut St.
Bloomington, IN 47404
(812) 855-5412